Internet? Internet! Internet... I think that internet is one of the best things mankind have ever created. What would we do if they took the Internet from us? I wouldn’t know what to do with myself? Humans cannot function without Internet!
We have so much information there and it’s so easy to use... It’s probably the quickest method to use to search information. Internet has got a lot of good and positive aspects but it also has its bad ones!
Is the information in the Internet actually that solid, is it that true? You have to think that everyone can add information, kids, scientists, uncultured people, people that just want to hurt other people... We can’t guarantee that the information is valid but we like to think it is! The worst thing for me is when people hang up their personal information on Internet like photos, your address, where you live, etc.
If you think for one second or just meditate what you’re actually doing you’ll realize that you’re just doing a big mistake!
Think about it, a burglar or a murderer can obtain all of our information and the use it to get to us... How many times have we seen families destroyed because one of their kids has been on a chat line with a murderer without him knowing it and the meeting up?
I personally think that as we progress in technology, the more we give out our personal information without knowing it!
We will have to be more careful from now on!
Addicted to... Hell yeah! Interent!