Hi... it’s Sunday 21st and I’ve lived to the full day and night... Yeah that’s right it’s been Carnival and I have enjoyed it big time! Do I regret it today...? Got hangover, I’m tired, my feet hurt... Nah, I don’t regret it at all! It was too great to miss...
Friday was a very busy day for me; first of all, we went to an excursion with the school to Girona University and got back from there at 3 o’clock. Straight after that, at 4 o’clock my driving teacher picked me up from home to go straight back to Girona again... I drove there and back from 4 to 8pm... When I got back home, Clara came straight away... it was her birthday that day and I planned a surprise diner for her!
Friends came and surprised her and then we went out to eat at a Restaurant called Il Nonno. We had a lovely diner, great pizzas and pasta. We all got out of there at 11pm and then we went to the Carnival at Empuriabrava! Great! Lovely! Don’t think so... By the end of the day I was shattered! Dead and gone... I just lasted 30 minutes, I was too tired.
Saturday was the big party! My friends, Clara and I dressed up as Guti (He’s a Madrid player), I’m not a fan of Madrid, we just made fun out of him like they do in Krakòvia!
We dressed ourselves in Madrid clothes, sprayed our hair blond and put on makeup on our face to make it a bit funnier...
It was a great night because there were a lot of people and we had a lot of fun! I’d go back if I could!
I recommend Carnival to everyone because it’s a good medication against stress!
Hope to see you all there next year!
C ya xxx
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