Good afternoon to all! Today I would like to talk about a hobby I have enjoyed since I was just a child... I have kept tropical fish for at least 8 years in my 70L aquarium!
Unfortunately it’s a very hard hobby because fish are actually very delicate animals, they need perfect conditions to live in, a lot of species don’t get along with each other and some of them are quite expensive!
On the one hand, this hobby helps me to look after things and also be a bit more responsible. I personally think that having an aquarium is quite decorative and makes a bedroom just that little more special! This hobby has improved my knowledge about marine life; this works at my advantage because I would love to do a career as a Marine Biologist.
Now I would like to show you and explain to you the different fish that I have got at the moment, hope you enjoy!
First of all, we will start with the most common aquarium fish called the Neon tetra. As you can see in the image, this fish has a great fluorescent-blue colour going right across its body and below this blue stripe we also can observe red colouring at the end of its body. These fish grow up to be no more than 2’5cm long and they love going in groups of the same species of 20 individuals. They prefer an aquarium with many plants so then they can hide from other fish. They’re timid and pacific fish, in other words an ideal fish to keep.

Secondly, I also have a group of 5 platys. These fish are available in many colours, from red to orange, black to green, white to silver... Great hardy fish and very friendly, not scared at all, they even try to eat your finger if you put it in the aquarium. One of my platys has given birth to 50 little babies also known as fry.

Finally, I have my sucker mouth. This fish is very special to me because I’ve had for many years, it was one of my first fish I ever had, so I wouldn’t be afraid to say that it’s more or less 8 years old. This type of fish is loves cleaning the algae from the aquarium and it’s only lively at night time when the other fish rest. These fish live with any kind of fish because they’re very peaceful and relaxed. These fish can grow up to 50cm. I must say that mine is only 25cm long but that’s big enough for the aquarium I’ve got. Here you have a great photo of it!

Hope you’ve enjoyed it!
hahahahah Robin you are crazy!
ResponEliminafor sure you'll be a great Marine Biologist but omg what are you doing with a 70L aquarium!!! imagine if the glass breaks!! woooow :S, anyway I think aquariums are very nice too, if you have a 'Nemo' fish (L)and someone to clean it and take care of the fishes
but a sucker mouth?????LOL it must be a great fish I would like to have a dog like that, cleaning all night long, never annoying me, being peaceful and living long wow wow sounds great even for a person doesn't?? imagine we had sucker mouth people! sound weird real strange.. well, anyway I see you tomorrow! and I hope to see your aquarium someday! ;)