Hello to everyone!
I'd like to start of saying that presentation of the oral presentation deserves a 10%because I think that the resources I used were focused and they did support the topic that I chose to talk about and the timing was between the right standards.
I consider that a lot of gestures and eye contact was used because I wanted to catch everyone’s attention, I was trying to make everything a bit more interesting and not that boring becuase there's nothing worse than a boring oral presentation...
I didn’t even have my peace of paper to read because I have been studying and doing research about this project for over 8 motnhs, so I had a good idea what I was talking about!
Everything was well structured and I had an index to make it clear to people what I wanted to talk about. I started with the general ideas of the project and then I led it to smaller ideas so I think everyone was quite clear of our progress in the oral presentation! I did use markers like “first of all”, “on the one hand”, etc.
I really think that the content of the oral presentation couldn't have been any better becuase I just took out one of the most important topics and examples of the project and explained them enfront of the class.
Thirdly I think that my language was quite good, I tried to use different vocabulary all the time and I stopped every now and again to ask people if the understood what I was talking about.
Finally, I would like to say that I made my pronunciation as clear a possible; people did say that they understood what I was saying. I consider that my voice wasn’t at all monotone tone!
If I was the teacher I’d put myself… 9’8!
Oh yesh before I forget, David filmed me doinf the Oral with his mobile, but the problem is that he broke his screen about 3 weeks ago and he hasn't been able to fix it yet... So that means I can't post th video that we originally did in class!
dimecres, 17 de març del 2010
dijous, 4 de març del 2010
Cupid's Chemistry!

Love can explain itself with science. It has been demonstrated that people are attracted to each other by the intimacy of the situation. The most successful method for flirting is mainly eye contact and body language. Scientists also demonstrated that people feel attraction when they experience fear together, that’s adrenaline.
Formal Letter!
Rakomako Street,17
(Girona) 147774
12th of January 2010
United States (Florida)
High Hill Street, 89b
Dear Mr.Clooney,
I write to you because of the scandal that took place at the Hopenhagen meeting. Is it apropiate for politicians to decide about our future’s planet?
I myself, think that politicians are not the right people to decide these problems because they can not even solve the simple problems that they have been given in their own country.
I sencerely do not see them as a great role model for society. Politicians, often or must of them, tend not to care about the actual problem that we have in hand, on the one hand they care more about economy and the investments they will have to do in the future to save the planet.
I hope you take this letter into consideration. Thank you very much for your time and attention.
Yours sincerely,
Marco Di Campo
(Girona) 147774
12th of January 2010
United States (Florida)
High Hill Street, 89b
Dear Mr.Clooney,
I write to you because of the scandal that took place at the Hopenhagen meeting. Is it apropiate for politicians to decide about our future’s planet?
I myself, think that politicians are not the right people to decide these problems because they can not even solve the simple problems that they have been given in their own country.
I sencerely do not see them as a great role model for society. Politicians, often or must of them, tend not to care about the actual problem that we have in hand, on the one hand they care more about economy and the investments they will have to do in the future to save the planet.
I hope you take this letter into consideration. Thank you very much for your time and attention.
Yours sincerely,
Marco Di Campo
dimecres, 3 de març del 2010
For Aquariums, the Small Fry Swept North Become a Big Catch
From July to October, the Gulf Stream carries young tropical young fish known as orphans, strays, expatriates. Catching the fish up north is cheaper and less disruptive to ocean because they are unlikely to survive the winter. There’s an abundance of fish at North because of climate change.

I think that it’s the right decision for Biologists to catch fish instead of normal fishing people because Biologist take in consideration that they’ve got to conserve the ecosystem unlike fishing people that do exactly the opposite. But I still do think that taking fish from the sea into an aquarium is not a quite a good idea even if they try to conserve the population of fish. The best thing to do is to make a breeding center for all kind of fish so then we wouldn’t have to mess with nature. The inconvenience of this is that the production of this breeding center wouldn’t be enough for the world aquarium population. But for me it’s a possible idea, one I would like to consider if one day I have the chance to do all of this stuff.
One-Third of U.S. Bird Species Endangered, Survey Finds
Habitat destruction, pollution and other problems have left nearly a third of the nation’s 800 bird species endangered, threatened or in serious decline. The report said that the population of grassland birds had declined by 40 percent and birds in arid lands by 30 percent. It estimated that 39 percent of bird species that depend on American coastal waters were in decline.

As the news says, the ever growing human population is destroying and killing other populations, but there’s a reason for our success in nature, our intelligence and our capability of doing things has helped us to turn nature in our favor. If we think about it, we’re animals; the only difference is that we’re rational animals… But we do anything that any other species of animal would do if they had the biological efficiency that we have. It’s not really our fault; we’re just doing what any animal would do in their position, live!
But we’ve gone a bit too far because now what we are doing is harming the balance of life, so we are harming our planet, our own home… We are a plague, who will stop this plague?
F.D.A. Says Food from Cloned Animals Is Safe
Food from cloned animals and their progeny is safe to eat, clearing the way for milk and meat derived from genetic copies of prized dairy cows. Animal breeding takes time, so even with Tuesday’s actions; it is likely to be several years before products from the offspring of clones are at the grocery store in appreciable quantity.

I do think that things are going to far… I personally think that things are going too far because now we’re actually messing with nature. Nature is the mother of all living species because she’s the one that chooses which species survive and what species don’t. It’s not our paper to mess genetically with animals for our benefit. I think that all of this is too much and I don’t think that this clone process is actually necessary. I disapprove all these new ways to get food. Would you like to be cloned for you to be eaten? Don’t think so!
From July to October, the Gulf Stream carries young tropical young fish known as orphans, strays, expatriates. Catching the fish up north is cheaper and less disruptive to ocean because they are unlikely to survive the winter. There’s an abundance of fish at North because of climate change.

I think that it’s the right decision for Biologists to catch fish instead of normal fishing people because Biologist take in consideration that they’ve got to conserve the ecosystem unlike fishing people that do exactly the opposite. But I still do think that taking fish from the sea into an aquarium is not a quite a good idea even if they try to conserve the population of fish. The best thing to do is to make a breeding center for all kind of fish so then we wouldn’t have to mess with nature. The inconvenience of this is that the production of this breeding center wouldn’t be enough for the world aquarium population. But for me it’s a possible idea, one I would like to consider if one day I have the chance to do all of this stuff.
One-Third of U.S. Bird Species Endangered, Survey Finds
Habitat destruction, pollution and other problems have left nearly a third of the nation’s 800 bird species endangered, threatened or in serious decline. The report said that the population of grassland birds had declined by 40 percent and birds in arid lands by 30 percent. It estimated that 39 percent of bird species that depend on American coastal waters were in decline.

As the news says, the ever growing human population is destroying and killing other populations, but there’s a reason for our success in nature, our intelligence and our capability of doing things has helped us to turn nature in our favor. If we think about it, we’re animals; the only difference is that we’re rational animals… But we do anything that any other species of animal would do if they had the biological efficiency that we have. It’s not really our fault; we’re just doing what any animal would do in their position, live!
But we’ve gone a bit too far because now what we are doing is harming the balance of life, so we are harming our planet, our own home… We are a plague, who will stop this plague?
F.D.A. Says Food from Cloned Animals Is Safe
Food from cloned animals and their progeny is safe to eat, clearing the way for milk and meat derived from genetic copies of prized dairy cows. Animal breeding takes time, so even with Tuesday’s actions; it is likely to be several years before products from the offspring of clones are at the grocery store in appreciable quantity.

I do think that things are going to far… I personally think that things are going too far because now we’re actually messing with nature. Nature is the mother of all living species because she’s the one that chooses which species survive and what species don’t. It’s not our paper to mess genetically with animals for our benefit. I think that all of this is too much and I don’t think that this clone process is actually necessary. I disapprove all these new ways to get food. Would you like to be cloned for you to be eaten? Don’t think so!
For my last entry on the Blog I would like to talk about a person that has become quite a lot for me these recent 2 years. Yup, it’s Clara!
I would like to give all my thanks to her because she has always helped me when I had difficulties, making me smile when I was sad or had a problem and making me laugh at the best of times.
It’s amazing how you end up depending so much on a person and how you grow on that person.
To tell you all the truth, I wouldn’t actually be here in the 2nd year of College if it wasn’t for Clara because the first year of College I had a great difficulty on the comprehension of the subjects and thanks to the effort that Clara made I was able then to understand and therefore study properly for my exams!
So I owe Clara a great deal. Besides all of this, and I think that everyone agrees, that she’s a very kind and also understanding person. She’s fun and she knows how to put order!
If she has a problem she will tell it to you in the face and she won’t go round your back, therefore she’s not a backstabber! That I can assure you!
She’s got a great personality and I think that a lot of people agree!
Thank you Clara!
Here's a funny image of the differences between a woman and a man!

See you in class!
I would like to give all my thanks to her because she has always helped me when I had difficulties, making me smile when I was sad or had a problem and making me laugh at the best of times.
It’s amazing how you end up depending so much on a person and how you grow on that person.
To tell you all the truth, I wouldn’t actually be here in the 2nd year of College if it wasn’t for Clara because the first year of College I had a great difficulty on the comprehension of the subjects and thanks to the effort that Clara made I was able then to understand and therefore study properly for my exams!
So I owe Clara a great deal. Besides all of this, and I think that everyone agrees, that she’s a very kind and also understanding person. She’s fun and she knows how to put order!
If she has a problem she will tell it to you in the face and she won’t go round your back, therefore she’s not a backstabber! That I can assure you!
She’s got a great personality and I think that a lot of people agree!
Thank you Clara!
Here's a funny image of the differences between a woman and a man!

See you in class!
Ranking time!
Hi there! How is everyone? I bet everyone’s a bit stressed because of all the horrible exams… Hey! Don’t worry we’re used to all of this pressure… If it’s not the research project it’s studying and reading books, and if it’s nothing of all of this… wait, there’s always homework and more studying! This is the last year at college and I really think that everyone is just very tired, but let’s go on with the hard work because this is the end!
Well today I would like to show you all, my Top 10 subject list! I have to say before I start that these rankings are no way related to the teacher, they are purely related on the personal liking of the subject! I repeat, the ways I rank the subjects are not related on the teacher’s teaching skills!
10. Tutoria
This is actually the easiest but most annoying subject there is. I think that it’s a pointless subject because we don’t actually learn anything and it’s another hour in school when I could be home doing some more useful stuff like homework or studying… But never mind, I won’t loose my sleep on it! Tutoria is great when you’re tired and you want to sleep!
9. History
I find that History just bore’s me to death! I try to be interested in the subject but I just can’t. I know that History is important because it’s the past of our ancestors, it’s the study of our evolution and progress of society. I don’t mind when we talk about all the wars there’s been during since mankind but I really really don’t care about what Queen married who and I really don’t care if she was Elizabeth II or Elizabeth IV. I also hate studying politics but I have to say that it might be useful for me in later life if one day I want to vote…
8. Catalan
I just really don’t like studying languages and that’s why I’m doing science… But I do accept that you do have to have a general knowledge of everything. Obviously I like to talk languages but I don’t like studying what we call “sintaxis”, it’s something that I'll never ever get in my life!
I don’t know how people can see if it’s an Atr, CD, CCT, CI… I just don’t get it!
7. Spanish
You know that Spanish was going to be next after what I said about Catalan! Well I prefer this language a bit more because Spanish is a global speaking language and so it’s a bit more interesting. You can go to South America and have a conversation with another person of that country.
6. Philosophy
Well I consider this subject one of the most interesting out of all the “non scientific” ones! I think that people like Descartes, Hume, Socrates… are very interesting and clever people. They invented and came up with things themselves without having the technology, so they really had to work hard to come up with what they came up. How can anyone think and rethink things like they did. Maybe if we did it know we would be a bit more advanced on new technologies. Philosophers made some great discoveries thousands of years ago.
5. English
I like this subject because as you know I don’t have the difficulty as I do in other subjects. Besides this, I think that English now is essential for everything, you know need English to surf the Internet and to relate yourself with a great variety of people.
4. Mathematics
Maths is OK… I just don’t get why we do most of the things. A lot of the stuff we do are a direct application to technology understanding of programs because we need to know how graphics a made and calculate them… I don’t what use it’ll do in later life! I only really need the basics.
3. Geology
I like this subject because I have a good vision about Geology problems so it isn’t a hard subject for me really. I learn how nature works and that’s quite interesting because we live in this world and we need to know when a catastrophe is going to happen or not like earthquakes, eruptions, tsunamis…
2. Chemistry
I’ve always like the idea of working in a laboratory, since I was a kid. I found that the bright colours and the different reactions that went on when two dissolutions came together were quite amazing. But now I see that Chemistry is more than that, it’s complicated but if you get it, it can be a lot of fun actually.
1. Biology
Biology is life. That is why for me it’s one of the most interesting subjects there is! Thanks to biology we find how our body works and therefore we find cures for illnesses. That means that thanks to biology life is greater than ever before.

Keep on studying!
Well today I would like to show you all, my Top 10 subject list! I have to say before I start that these rankings are no way related to the teacher, they are purely related on the personal liking of the subject! I repeat, the ways I rank the subjects are not related on the teacher’s teaching skills!
10. Tutoria
This is actually the easiest but most annoying subject there is. I think that it’s a pointless subject because we don’t actually learn anything and it’s another hour in school when I could be home doing some more useful stuff like homework or studying… But never mind, I won’t loose my sleep on it! Tutoria is great when you’re tired and you want to sleep!
9. History
I find that History just bore’s me to death! I try to be interested in the subject but I just can’t. I know that History is important because it’s the past of our ancestors, it’s the study of our evolution and progress of society. I don’t mind when we talk about all the wars there’s been during since mankind but I really really don’t care about what Queen married who and I really don’t care if she was Elizabeth II or Elizabeth IV. I also hate studying politics but I have to say that it might be useful for me in later life if one day I want to vote…
8. Catalan
I just really don’t like studying languages and that’s why I’m doing science… But I do accept that you do have to have a general knowledge of everything. Obviously I like to talk languages but I don’t like studying what we call “sintaxis”, it’s something that I'll never ever get in my life!
I don’t know how people can see if it’s an Atr, CD, CCT, CI… I just don’t get it!
7. Spanish
You know that Spanish was going to be next after what I said about Catalan! Well I prefer this language a bit more because Spanish is a global speaking language and so it’s a bit more interesting. You can go to South America and have a conversation with another person of that country.
6. Philosophy
Well I consider this subject one of the most interesting out of all the “non scientific” ones! I think that people like Descartes, Hume, Socrates… are very interesting and clever people. They invented and came up with things themselves without having the technology, so they really had to work hard to come up with what they came up. How can anyone think and rethink things like they did. Maybe if we did it know we would be a bit more advanced on new technologies. Philosophers made some great discoveries thousands of years ago.
5. English
I like this subject because as you know I don’t have the difficulty as I do in other subjects. Besides this, I think that English now is essential for everything, you know need English to surf the Internet and to relate yourself with a great variety of people.
4. Mathematics
Maths is OK… I just don’t get why we do most of the things. A lot of the stuff we do are a direct application to technology understanding of programs because we need to know how graphics a made and calculate them… I don’t what use it’ll do in later life! I only really need the basics.
3. Geology
I like this subject because I have a good vision about Geology problems so it isn’t a hard subject for me really. I learn how nature works and that’s quite interesting because we live in this world and we need to know when a catastrophe is going to happen or not like earthquakes, eruptions, tsunamis…
2. Chemistry
I’ve always like the idea of working in a laboratory, since I was a kid. I found that the bright colours and the different reactions that went on when two dissolutions came together were quite amazing. But now I see that Chemistry is more than that, it’s complicated but if you get it, it can be a lot of fun actually.
1. Biology
Biology is life. That is why for me it’s one of the most interesting subjects there is! Thanks to biology we find how our body works and therefore we find cures for illnesses. That means that thanks to biology life is greater than ever before.

Keep on studying!
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