What are human rights?
Human rights are basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled, the right to live, freedom of speach and equal to all othersand economic. Every person has to have the right to food, the right to work, and the right to education. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
When did human rights start?
They were created in 1948.
Why were they created?
They were created because every individual deservs a good and decent life.
How many human rights are there?
There are 30 human rights
Which human right were you not familiar with?
Article 9: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile. I didn't really know this was a human right because many times people have acused, arrested and tortured inocent people for no reason. It's logical for it to be a human right even if a lot of people don't consider tihs human right.
Choose one human right and discuss:
- Is it fully respected in your country today? Justify with news, comments, studies on the subject (cite the links of your information sources)
- Do you know if it has been respected in the past? Why or why not?
-Where in the world is this right not complied with? Check here
Are Humans rights relevant in the world today? why?
diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2009

I'd like to say that this development can only take place in countries that are developed and not the ones that are developing. I think that a great majority of people still prefer to use paper books than digital ones.
First of all, we could say that at the moment this technology isn't as popular as people want it to be and I think that this is because this generation and the one before that have actually never had the right technology to do so.
Secondly, I do agree that the next generation to come will start to use this new technology.
To sum up, people at the moment don't use e-books a lot and that's because it's still very new and quite unusual to see. All of this can have anegative effect because of all the hours on the PC, it could lead to sanity problems.
Mail to Sonia

Hi there,
I know I'm a bit quiet at the moment but don't worry
that's only the first days, then I get more confident.
Well I don't know if my English is great but I try my best.
My Mum was from Sweden and my father was from Switzerland
and I was actually born in Figueres. But my step-dad was from
England, so I guess I have learnt from him over the years.
I find Batxillerat very stressing, specially because at high school
I was from " una classe de reforç" so I struggle a bit. But with hard
work I can do it.
I would like to be a Marine Biologist because it has always been my
dream. Since I was little I have loved the sea and the animals that live
in it. I find that the underwater world is beatiful and spectacular.
The sea is my passion.
C ya friday in class.
dijous, 26 de novembre del 2009
How do you train a fish?
The Marine Biological Laboratory have been experimenting and training fish to gather when feeding time with a special tone that they use. They call this "acoustic fish ranching". It takes them 3 or 4 weeks to train them to learn this new discovery.
The potential application it can have is that you can farm fish without keeping them in cages because they respond to the sound and gather in a feeding zone.
Device spells doom for superbugs.
A new device has been created and what it does is get rid of all the bacteria on the arms, legs and hands. This can be useful in places like the Hospital were people sometimes get bacteria like MRSA (superbug). This device creates plasma, this plasma contains various chemicals to kill bacteria and the most impressive thing is that it doesn’t seem to harm human skin.
In a Light More Flattering
Michael Jackson, a legend, a great singer… But what happened to him? He was a great example of Plastic surgery! He changed his face so much that it even didn’t look like that young sweet little boy anymore…
He did various nose jobs, he had his skin change to white (this created problems because people thought that Michael was racist), he had hair transplants, lip reduction and so many other things! He ended up being a totally different person… Is that actually good? Do you really want to change what is you and see someone else in the mirror? How would you react, would you be scared?
The problem is that Plastic surgery has become very popular over the last 10 years but the difference from then to now is that before only rich people could do it but now ordinary people can go and have it done!
Is this how we really want to end up?
When I walk down the road sometimes I see people that are quite weird looking and I always think the same thing… Someone else that has over done it in plastic surgery! It’s horrible!
I agree that you can have a small change in you because you want to feel better but people seem to go beyond that and go for more surgery and then they just look like other weird people!
Just be happy with your body even if it isn’t perfect, if you try to make a perfect body you’ll end up with the worst body of them all.
The Marine Biological Laboratory have been experimenting and training fish to gather when feeding time with a special tone that they use. They call this "acoustic fish ranching". It takes them 3 or 4 weeks to train them to learn this new discovery.
The potential application it can have is that you can farm fish without keeping them in cages because they respond to the sound and gather in a feeding zone.
Device spells doom for superbugs.
A new device has been created and what it does is get rid of all the bacteria on the arms, legs and hands. This can be useful in places like the Hospital were people sometimes get bacteria like MRSA (superbug). This device creates plasma, this plasma contains various chemicals to kill bacteria and the most impressive thing is that it doesn’t seem to harm human skin.
In a Light More Flattering
Michael Jackson, a legend, a great singer… But what happened to him? He was a great example of Plastic surgery! He changed his face so much that it even didn’t look like that young sweet little boy anymore…
He did various nose jobs, he had his skin change to white (this created problems because people thought that Michael was racist), he had hair transplants, lip reduction and so many other things! He ended up being a totally different person… Is that actually good? Do you really want to change what is you and see someone else in the mirror? How would you react, would you be scared?
The problem is that Plastic surgery has become very popular over the last 10 years but the difference from then to now is that before only rich people could do it but now ordinary people can go and have it done!
Is this how we really want to end up?
When I walk down the road sometimes I see people that are quite weird looking and I always think the same thing… Someone else that has over done it in plastic surgery! It’s horrible!
I agree that you can have a small change in you because you want to feel better but people seem to go beyond that and go for more surgery and then they just look like other weird people!
Just be happy with your body even if it isn’t perfect, if you try to make a perfect body you’ll end up with the worst body of them all.
Self avaluation!
Hi there!
Well first of all I think that our presentation deserves the whole mark, 10% because I think that our resources were focused and they did support the topic that we chose to talk about and the timing was right.
I personally think that I did a lot of gestures and eye contact because I wanted to catch everyone’s attention, try to make the oral presentation a bit funnier and not so boring.
I’m pretty sure I didn’t even look at my peace of paper to read because I didn’t really need to, once I was out there I just talked like if I had a normal conversation with someone in private.
Everything was well structured and we had an index to make it clear to people what we wanted to talk about. We started with international humour first and then we went leading it on to smaller ideas so I think everyone was quite clear of our progress in the oral presentation! Clara and I did use markers like “first of all”, “on the one hand”, etc.
I guess that the content of our oral presentation could have been more extended but Clara and I didn’t really want to make it longer because after a while it just makes it boring… International humour can be hard to explain so for us to get up there and make people understand the topic… I think that we did a good job at it!
Thirdly I think that my language was quite good, I tried to use different vocabulary all the time and I stopped every now and again to ask people if the understood what I was talking about.
Finally, I would like to say that I made my pronunciation as clear a possible; people did say that they understood what I was saying.
My voice wasn’t at all monotone tone because I told a couple of jokes, made people laugh when I was talking, etc. I do need to calm my nerves do!
If I was the teacher I’d put myself… 9’4!
Well first of all I think that our presentation deserves the whole mark, 10% because I think that our resources were focused and they did support the topic that we chose to talk about and the timing was right.
I personally think that I did a lot of gestures and eye contact because I wanted to catch everyone’s attention, try to make the oral presentation a bit funnier and not so boring.
I’m pretty sure I didn’t even look at my peace of paper to read because I didn’t really need to, once I was out there I just talked like if I had a normal conversation with someone in private.
Everything was well structured and we had an index to make it clear to people what we wanted to talk about. We started with international humour first and then we went leading it on to smaller ideas so I think everyone was quite clear of our progress in the oral presentation! Clara and I did use markers like “first of all”, “on the one hand”, etc.
I guess that the content of our oral presentation could have been more extended but Clara and I didn’t really want to make it longer because after a while it just makes it boring… International humour can be hard to explain so for us to get up there and make people understand the topic… I think that we did a good job at it!
Thirdly I think that my language was quite good, I tried to use different vocabulary all the time and I stopped every now and again to ask people if the understood what I was talking about.
Finally, I would like to say that I made my pronunciation as clear a possible; people did say that they understood what I was saying.
My voice wasn’t at all monotone tone because I told a couple of jokes, made people laugh when I was talking, etc. I do need to calm my nerves do!
If I was the teacher I’d put myself… 9’4!
diumenge, 8 de novembre del 2009
Today I would like to present to all of you one of my favourite songs of all time:
Metallica - Nothing else matters.

I have chosen to show you this song because I personally think that its one of the best composed songs so far. When I listen and read the words of this song my feelings become alive and I get emotional. I suddenly go back in time and remember all those good times I had when I was a child but also all the bad times or the hard times I had to go through to become what I am now.
What this song is trying to transmit to us is that you should live your life the best you can and let go of all your troubles and your surroundings.
This song has really helped me in the past to overcome my fears of life and just go for what I really want and not to be afraid because what’s coming has to come eventually and the best thing to do is to deal with it.
We could say that this song written by Metallica has been until now a role model that I have followed to pull through the hard times and the ones to come.
Life is ours, we live it our way
Here are the lyrics of the song:
Metallica – Nothing else matters
So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
and nothing else matters
Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
and nothing else matters
Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
and nothing else matters
never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
but I know
So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
and nothing else matters
never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
but I know
Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us, something new
Open mind for a different view
and nothing else matters
never cared for what they say
never cared for games they play
never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
and I know
So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
No, nothing else matters
Here we have a video of the song, live!
Metallica - Nothing else matters.

I have chosen to show you this song because I personally think that its one of the best composed songs so far. When I listen and read the words of this song my feelings become alive and I get emotional. I suddenly go back in time and remember all those good times I had when I was a child but also all the bad times or the hard times I had to go through to become what I am now.
What this song is trying to transmit to us is that you should live your life the best you can and let go of all your troubles and your surroundings.
This song has really helped me in the past to overcome my fears of life and just go for what I really want and not to be afraid because what’s coming has to come eventually and the best thing to do is to deal with it.
We could say that this song written by Metallica has been until now a role model that I have followed to pull through the hard times and the ones to come.
Life is ours, we live it our way
Here are the lyrics of the song:
Metallica – Nothing else matters
So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
and nothing else matters
Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
and nothing else matters
Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
and nothing else matters
never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
but I know
So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
and nothing else matters
never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
but I know
Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us, something new
Open mind for a different view
and nothing else matters
never cared for what they say
never cared for games they play
never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
and I know
So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
No, nothing else matters
Here we have a video of the song, live!
After training the whole summer I finally had a Handball match this weekend. But it didn’t really go according to plan.
First of all, Saturday morning I got up at 9 o’clock to take my dog to the veterinary because she had been feeling ill during the week, the vet said that it wasn’t bad news; she only had an infection… Ufffff that was lucky!
After the veterinary I went directly to Castelló d’Empúries to play my handball match that I was so looking forward too. We were playing against Banyoles B and I must say that they were a couple of years older than us but that didn’t bother me because the smaller and younger you are, the quicker you are, therefore the more goals there should be (Well that’s my theory and sometimes I’m right but a lot of times I’m wrong).
Anyway, getting back on track, during our match we played the hardest we could and we won’t doing that bad considering that we were a lot younger than them.
When the first part of the game finished both teams went to their dressing rooms. Suddenly one of the other teams members came running towards our dressing room and told us that someone had stole all their stuff while they were playing the match with us!
They stole everything! They stole wallets, money, IPod’s, DNI, mobiles and even some of their clothes! My question is: Who has got the guts to steal from a public space?
We tried to find the people that stole all their valuable objects but we never found them… The other team was very angry because of the situation they were in, they decided to leave! So that was the end of that great match... So yeah, I was a bit disappointed, wouldn’t you be disappointed?
But guess what? In the end I played another handball match that same day but with older people that were in C.H Esplais. I was the youngest there because the others were 25 years old and upwards! Some of the players on the other team had children and everything, so I felt quite weird… But I did great on that match because at the end I scored more goals than anyone else in the team!
So I guess that my theory does work sometimes!
First of all, Saturday morning I got up at 9 o’clock to take my dog to the veterinary because she had been feeling ill during the week, the vet said that it wasn’t bad news; she only had an infection… Ufffff that was lucky!
After the veterinary I went directly to Castelló d’Empúries to play my handball match that I was so looking forward too. We were playing against Banyoles B and I must say that they were a couple of years older than us but that didn’t bother me because the smaller and younger you are, the quicker you are, therefore the more goals there should be (Well that’s my theory and sometimes I’m right but a lot of times I’m wrong).
Anyway, getting back on track, during our match we played the hardest we could and we won’t doing that bad considering that we were a lot younger than them.
When the first part of the game finished both teams went to their dressing rooms. Suddenly one of the other teams members came running towards our dressing room and told us that someone had stole all their stuff while they were playing the match with us!
They stole everything! They stole wallets, money, IPod’s, DNI, mobiles and even some of their clothes! My question is: Who has got the guts to steal from a public space?
We tried to find the people that stole all their valuable objects but we never found them… The other team was very angry because of the situation they were in, they decided to leave! So that was the end of that great match... So yeah, I was a bit disappointed, wouldn’t you be disappointed?
But guess what? In the end I played another handball match that same day but with older people that were in C.H Esplais. I was the youngest there because the others were 25 years old and upwards! Some of the players on the other team had children and everything, so I felt quite weird… But I did great on that match because at the end I scored more goals than anyone else in the team!
So I guess that my theory does work sometimes!
I have been thinking on what to write about all day and I’ve finally decided that today I would like to talk to you about my research project.
I’m doing a research project about Cala Montjoi. I have to study and calculate the quantity of animals that live there, so I’m doing a biological study of the site.
I have divided the bay in 5 zones in different areas because what I want to do is to compare the quantity and the different species of animals that you can find from one place to another.
There can be many reasons why there should be a difference from one zone to another, like for example; the wind and the waves of the sea can be a main reason for this distribution of aquatic animals. They can influate quite a lot because maybe some species of animal prefer to live in opened seas and maybe the others prefer to live in sheltered areas that protect them from the wind and the waves or currents of the seas.
During the summer I’ve had to go every Sunday by boat to Cala Montjoi to analyse and see the number of species that are there. I have had to go in the sea the sunny days but I also had to go in when the sea was quite rough!
I was very scared to go in when the sea was rough!
Oh yeah! Before I forget! I also had to take photos of the animals I found under water with an aquatic camera! I have to say it was quite difficult to take photos of the fish. They just wouldn’t sit still! So I had to chase them like a lunatic!
Now that I’ve done the practical part, now comes the worst part of the research project! The theory!
So that’s a whole lot more hours on the computer! (Just what I needed!)
Research project!
I’m doing a research project about Cala Montjoi. I have to study and calculate the quantity of animals that live there, so I’m doing a biological study of the site.
I have divided the bay in 5 zones in different areas because what I want to do is to compare the quantity and the different species of animals that you can find from one place to another.
There can be many reasons why there should be a difference from one zone to another, like for example; the wind and the waves of the sea can be a main reason for this distribution of aquatic animals. They can influate quite a lot because maybe some species of animal prefer to live in opened seas and maybe the others prefer to live in sheltered areas that protect them from the wind and the waves or currents of the seas.
During the summer I’ve had to go every Sunday by boat to Cala Montjoi to analyse and see the number of species that are there. I have had to go in the sea the sunny days but I also had to go in when the sea was quite rough!
I was very scared to go in when the sea was rough!
Oh yeah! Before I forget! I also had to take photos of the animals I found under water with an aquatic camera! I have to say it was quite difficult to take photos of the fish. They just wouldn’t sit still! So I had to chase them like a lunatic!
Now that I’ve done the practical part, now comes the worst part of the research project! The theory!
So that’s a whole lot more hours on the computer! (Just what I needed!)
Research project!

dissabte, 7 de novembre del 2009
Well since I have been a little child I have always loved animals, I guess it’s a bit weird because boys normally seem to prefer motors like motorbikes or the latest car model…
Because of my interest in animals, I have always had pets at home. I have had dogs, cats, fish, birds, reptiles, rabbits and I have even had 2 chickens at my back garden! Now I’m going to explain what has happened to all my pets going from when I was just a baby until now:
My first two dogs were called Billy and Emma and they were still around when I was 4 years old. Billy died when he was 8 years old because he had an enlarged heart and they had to put him down because he was very ill. Emma had puppies and the day after I don’t know why she ate them all… Emma died of old age.
Then we had a cat. We had a Ginger cat but the only problem was that he was nasty and he scratched a lot. We had to get rid of him!
When I was 6 years old my dad gave me two birds… I always let them free in my bedroom and I never looked after them… so my mother got rid of them too!
My mother got 2 rabbits for the family… my dad gave them herbs from a field; soon after they died… we discovered that the herbs actually had pesticides!
4 years ago we thought that it would be funny to get 2 chicks form the Medievals they do in Castelló every year. It was a good idea because we got eggs everyday but our garden stunk… We gave them away to a farm…
My uncle gave us 2 terrapins 6 years ago, one died because it got stuck under water and it couldn’t breath (it was my sister’s) and then I gave my one away last week because it was to big to keep… It’s in the Butterfly Park so it’s actually better off.
I have pond fish and tropical fish in the house, but they seem to survive quite good so we still have them. And finally we have a dog that is now 9 years old and she seems to be doing fine too!
Because of my interest in animals, I have always had pets at home. I have had dogs, cats, fish, birds, reptiles, rabbits and I have even had 2 chickens at my back garden! Now I’m going to explain what has happened to all my pets going from when I was just a baby until now:
My first two dogs were called Billy and Emma and they were still around when I was 4 years old. Billy died when he was 8 years old because he had an enlarged heart and they had to put him down because he was very ill. Emma had puppies and the day after I don’t know why she ate them all… Emma died of old age.
Then we had a cat. We had a Ginger cat but the only problem was that he was nasty and he scratched a lot. We had to get rid of him!
When I was 6 years old my dad gave me two birds… I always let them free in my bedroom and I never looked after them… so my mother got rid of them too!
My mother got 2 rabbits for the family… my dad gave them herbs from a field; soon after they died… we discovered that the herbs actually had pesticides!
4 years ago we thought that it would be funny to get 2 chicks form the Medievals they do in Castelló every year. It was a good idea because we got eggs everyday but our garden stunk… We gave them away to a farm…
My uncle gave us 2 terrapins 6 years ago, one died because it got stuck under water and it couldn’t breath (it was my sister’s) and then I gave my one away last week because it was to big to keep… It’s in the Butterfly Park so it’s actually better off.
I have pond fish and tropical fish in the house, but they seem to survive quite good so we still have them. And finally we have a dog that is now 9 years old and she seems to be doing fine too!

You bet! Flu is back… And like always I’m one of the first ones to get it! I’m stuck here at home and very bored! Well, but I’m actually not alone this time because I have passed it on to my sister and Clara!
I think that they’re both quite annoyed with me! Can you imagine us all snuggled up on the sofa with a thick cover over us and hundreds of snotty tissues? It’s horrible!
We are just praying that it isn’t swine flu, otherwise we’re all doomed! We’re all alone because my parents are in Ireland (Dublin) at the moment… Damm… I haven’t been able to pass them my virus!
While I’ve been here with a cold, I have actually asked myself what are the signs and what is it?
Signs: Fatigue, muscle aches, throat irritation, fever, sneezing, watery eyes and runny nose. These are the all too familiar symptoms of the flu.
What is it?
It’s a virus that attacks the respiratory system and it can cause epidemics.
Well I just want to say that I hope that everyone in the class gets it so we can all have a couple of days off school and chill out!
Everyone that’s ill…. Get better!
I think that they’re both quite annoyed with me! Can you imagine us all snuggled up on the sofa with a thick cover over us and hundreds of snotty tissues? It’s horrible!
We are just praying that it isn’t swine flu, otherwise we’re all doomed! We’re all alone because my parents are in Ireland (Dublin) at the moment… Damm… I haven’t been able to pass them my virus!
While I’ve been here with a cold, I have actually asked myself what are the signs and what is it?
Signs: Fatigue, muscle aches, throat irritation, fever, sneezing, watery eyes and runny nose. These are the all too familiar symptoms of the flu.
What is it?
It’s a virus that attacks the respiratory system and it can cause epidemics.
Well I just want to say that I hope that everyone in the class gets it so we can all have a couple of days off school and chill out!
Everyone that’s ill…. Get better!

Hi there! So how is everyone?
Well I bet that everyone’s quite stressed because of all the exams, homework and especially because of the research project! But let’s not worry about it… There’s only a month left before we have to hand it in! Then we’ll have less work to do, or not!
So today I would like to talk about the great time me and the others had on one of my best friend’s parties.
Not so long ago it was my best friend’s party and he was having it in Barcelona, so we all had to go by train. It took about 1h 45min to get there and while we were at it, I took advantage of the time to read Dorian Gray! It was quite difficult to read the book because of moving in the train! Once we got there at 8 o’clock at night we went to McDonald’s and we bought 90 hamburgers of 1euro, so we spent 90euros between us all! When we told the staff at McDonald’s that we wanted 90 hamburgers they couldn’t believe it! I can’t blame them! Who would ever want 90 hamburgers! I have to say that I spent 10euros on hamburgers so that means that I ate 10 hamburgers alone! I’ll never ever eat a hamburger!
After eating our huge meal we got dressed and ready to go out and party in discos. The surprise was when suddenly a Hammer Limousine drove up to us and opened the doors! Yup, you bet! Our Birthday boy hired us this huge luxurious car for the night! The limousine was great; it had sofas, champagne, TV, music and later on it had girls… All right! After being an hour in the limousine it later left us in front of the disco where we had a great time and danced all night and all morning!
It has to be done again!
Well I bet that everyone’s quite stressed because of all the exams, homework and especially because of the research project! But let’s not worry about it… There’s only a month left before we have to hand it in! Then we’ll have less work to do, or not!
So today I would like to talk about the great time me and the others had on one of my best friend’s parties.
Not so long ago it was my best friend’s party and he was having it in Barcelona, so we all had to go by train. It took about 1h 45min to get there and while we were at it, I took advantage of the time to read Dorian Gray! It was quite difficult to read the book because of moving in the train! Once we got there at 8 o’clock at night we went to McDonald’s and we bought 90 hamburgers of 1euro, so we spent 90euros between us all! When we told the staff at McDonald’s that we wanted 90 hamburgers they couldn’t believe it! I can’t blame them! Who would ever want 90 hamburgers! I have to say that I spent 10euros on hamburgers so that means that I ate 10 hamburgers alone! I’ll never ever eat a hamburger!
After eating our huge meal we got dressed and ready to go out and party in discos. The surprise was when suddenly a Hammer Limousine drove up to us and opened the doors! Yup, you bet! Our Birthday boy hired us this huge luxurious car for the night! The limousine was great; it had sofas, champagne, TV, music and later on it had girls… All right! After being an hour in the limousine it later left us in front of the disco where we had a great time and danced all night and all morning!
It has to be done again!

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