I’m doing a research project about Cala Montjoi. I have to study and calculate the quantity of animals that live there, so I’m doing a biological study of the site.
I have divided the bay in 5 zones in different areas because what I want to do is to compare the quantity and the different species of animals that you can find from one place to another.
There can be many reasons why there should be a difference from one zone to another, like for example; the wind and the waves of the sea can be a main reason for this distribution of aquatic animals. They can influate quite a lot because maybe some species of animal prefer to live in opened seas and maybe the others prefer to live in sheltered areas that protect them from the wind and the waves or currents of the seas.
During the summer I’ve had to go every Sunday by boat to Cala Montjoi to analyse and see the number of species that are there. I have had to go in the sea the sunny days but I also had to go in when the sea was quite rough!
I was very scared to go in when the sea was rough!
Oh yeah! Before I forget! I also had to take photos of the animals I found under water with an aquatic camera! I have to say it was quite difficult to take photos of the fish. They just wouldn’t sit still! So I had to chase them like a lunatic!
Now that I’ve done the practical part, now comes the worst part of the research project! The theory!
So that’s a whole lot more hours on the computer! (Just what I needed!)
Research project!

Hi, Robin! :-)
ResponEliminaI can't wait to hear from your findings and enjoy the pics you have been taking against all odds... ;-)
I am pretty sure you have enjoyed the practical part quite a lot... yet no practice can be scientific without the theory to back it up. It's like two sides of the same coin, as you know... Hard work as it is, I am sure you will learn a lot for your future studies...
The downside of it is the time pressure and stress...What a shame!
Anyway, we often work in life with such terrible conditions... :-( sadly!
It's almost over, Robin, take care!