Because of my interest in animals, I have always had pets at home. I have had dogs, cats, fish, birds, reptiles, rabbits and I have even had 2 chickens at my back garden! Now I’m going to explain what has happened to all my pets going from when I was just a baby until now:
My first two dogs were called Billy and Emma and they were still around when I was 4 years old. Billy died when he was 8 years old because he had an enlarged heart and they had to put him down because he was very ill. Emma had puppies and the day after I don’t know why she ate them all… Emma died of old age.
Then we had a cat. We had a Ginger cat but the only problem was that he was nasty and he scratched a lot. We had to get rid of him!
When I was 6 years old my dad gave me two birds… I always let them free in my bedroom and I never looked after them… so my mother got rid of them too!
My mother got 2 rabbits for the family… my dad gave them herbs from a field; soon after they died… we discovered that the herbs actually had pesticides!
4 years ago we thought that it would be funny to get 2 chicks form the Medievals they do in Castelló every year. It was a good idea because we got eggs everyday but our garden stunk… We gave them away to a farm…
My uncle gave us 2 terrapins 6 years ago, one died because it got stuck under water and it couldn’t breath (it was my sister’s) and then I gave my one away last week because it was to big to keep… It’s in the Butterfly Park so it’s actually better off.
I have pond fish and tropical fish in the house, but they seem to survive quite good so we still have them. And finally we have a dog that is now 9 years old and she seems to be doing fine too!

Hi Rob!
ResponEliminaI've read that you have had a little bit of bad luck with your pets.
I have only met Molly, some fish and the turtle. I think Molly, the dog, is the best animal that exists. Its behaviour is very funny, I laugh a lot with "she".
Molly is similar to me because I am keeper amd sometimes a lot of things happen to me too.
For example: stumble, crash into something...
Well, you know how I am.
I hope Molly will live a long time!
Cu!! :)