diumenge, 8 de novembre del 2009


After training the whole summer I finally had a Handball match this weekend. But it didn’t really go according to plan.
First of all, Saturday morning I got up at 9 o’clock to take my dog to the veterinary because she had been feeling ill during the week, the vet said that it wasn’t bad news; she only had an infection… Ufffff that was lucky!
After the veterinary I went directly to Castelló d’Empúries to play my handball match that I was so looking forward too. We were playing against Banyoles B and I must say that they were a couple of years older than us but that didn’t bother me because the smaller and younger you are, the quicker you are, therefore the more goals there should be (Well that’s my theory and sometimes I’m right but a lot of times I’m wrong).

Anyway, getting back on track, during our match we played the hardest we could and we won’t doing that bad considering that we were a lot younger than them.
When the first part of the game finished both teams went to their dressing rooms. Suddenly one of the other teams members came running towards our dressing room and told us that someone had stole all their stuff while they were playing the match with us!
They stole everything! They stole wallets, money, IPod’s, DNI, mobiles and even some of their clothes! My question is: Who has got the guts to steal from a public space?
We tried to find the people that stole all their valuable objects but we never found them… The other team was very angry because of the situation they were in, they decided to leave! So that was the end of that great match... So yeah, I was a bit disappointed, wouldn’t you be disappointed?

But guess what? In the end I played another handball match that same day but with older people that were in C.H Esplais. I was the youngest there because the others were 25 years old and upwards! Some of the players on the other team had children and everything, so I felt quite weird… But I did great on that match because at the end I scored more goals than anyone else in the team!

So I guess that my theory does work sometimes!

1 comentari:

  1. Hey Rob,
    I hope they didn't steal you anything while you were playing the match. But I also hope you don't have a lot of new i-pods, mp3 players, clothes, mobile phones...¬¬
    I was just kidding.
    It's great that you played better than all the older guys, and I hope you win the next match you play!

